China IP Lawyer factory

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China IP Lawyer factory How to register a company in China Registering a company in China requires several documents and procedures. Here are some of the main documents you will need: 1. A valid passport or other identification document for each shareholder and director. 2. Proof of address for each shareholder and director. 3. A business scope statement outlining the type of business your company will engage in. 4. Articles of association outlining the management structure of your company. 5. A company name pre-approval certificate from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC). 6. A lease agreement or proof of ownership for the company's registered address. Capital verification report from a Chinese certified public accountant (CPA) if the registered capital exceeds RMB 30,000. Registration with the Chinese tax authority. Application for a business license from the SAIC. Registration with the local Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC). It is important to note that the specific requirements and procedures for registering a company in China may vary depending on the type of company you wish to register and the location of your business. How long it will take to finish the registration. It usually takes about fifteen days to register a company. Except under special circumstances. Because it takes 1 working day to apply for name pre-approval. After the name is approved, it will take 2 working days to fill in all the submitted documents. It takes 5 working days to get a business license. Engraving, it takes 1 working day. It takes 5 working days to open a basic account. What鈥?/strongs documents required 1. The Application for Registration of the Company shall be signed by the legal representative of the company; 2. The Certificate of Appointed Representative or Jointly Entrusted Agent shall be signed by the Board of Directors; 3. The minutes of the general meeting of shareholders or the founding meeting signed by the sponsors or by the chairman of the meeting and the directors present at the meeting are equivalent to the resolutions of the shareholders' meeting; 4. Articles of association signed by all the sponsors or all the directors; 5. Copy of identity certificate of natural person; 6. Copies of office documents and identity certificates of directors, supervisors and managers; 7. Copies of the legal representative's office documents and identity certificates; 8. Residence use certificate; 9. Notice of Pre-Approval of Enterprise Name. How much cost to register a company in China The registered capital requirements for the establishment of a company are as follows: 1. The minimum registered capital of One Person Limited Company is RMB 100,000 Yuan; 2. The minimum registered capital of a limited company with two persons or more is RMB 30,000 Yuan, which can be invested in installments; 3. The minimum registered capital of the company is RMB 5 million; 4. Shareholders may use currency or assessed intangible assets as the registered capital investment, in which the monetary capital shall not be less than 30% of the total registered capital of the company. Example of business license Firm Profile Firm NameGUOCAI LAW FIRM Location銆怤ishio office (headquarters) 銆?/p 1403, Wanda Office Building A, 888 Century Avenue, Jinjiang, Quanzhou, Fujian Province 362200, China Telephone0086-595-85722228 FAX0086-595-85722229 BusinessPatent, Trademark, and IP litigationChina IP Lawyer factory website:
