Application of fire extinguisher bourdon tube pressure gauge

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Safestar will explore the application of the fire extinguisher bourdon tube pressure gauge, its working principle, and its significance in fire safety.

Fire safety is a crucial aspect of every building, and fire extinguishers play a vital role in combating fire emergencies. To ensure their effectiveness, accurate and reliable pressure monitoring is essential. This is where the bourdon tube pressure gauge comes into play. In this blog post, Safestar will explore the application of the fire extinguisher bourdon tube pressure gauge, its working principle, and its significance in fire safety.

Understanding the Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge:

The bourdon tube pressure gauge is a mechanical device that measures pressure changes within a closed system. It consists of a curved tube, typically made of brass or stainless steel. The tube is closed at one end and connected to the fire extinguisher's pressure source at the other end. As pressure changes occur, the bourdon tube expands or contracts, which is visually indicated by a pointer on a calibrated scale.

Working Principle of the Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge:

The bourdon tube operates on the principle of elastic deformation. When the pressure within the fire extinguisher increases, the bourdon tube receives this pressure, causing it to straighten or expand. Conversely, when the pressure decreases, the tube returns to its original position. The movement of the bourdon tube is transferred to the pointer, which indicates the pressure value on the gauge's calibrated scale.

23CL series of aluminum casing bourdon tube pressure gauge

Importance of Pressure Monitoring in Fire Safety:

Accurate pressure monitoring is crucial in fire safety for several reasons:

a. Determining Extinguishing Capability: The pressure within a fire extinguisher directly correlates to its extinguishing capability. If the pressure is too low, the extinguisher may not function effectively, reducing its ability to combat a fire. The bourdon tube pressure gauge ensures that the pressure remains within the recommended operating range, allowing for timely refilling or replacement if needed.

b. Early Detection of Problems: The pressure gauge serves as an early warning system for any abnormalities in the fire extinguisher. A sudden drop or fluctuation in pressure could indicate internal issues, such as leaks or faulty seals, preventing the extinguisher from functioning optimally during an emergency. Regular monitoring of the pressure gauge helps identify these problems promptly and ensures that maintenance or repairs are carried out in a timely manner.

c. Compliance with Regulations: Fire safety regulations and standards often explicitly require routine pressure checks on fire extinguishers. These regulations aim to guarantee the readiness and reliability of fire safety equipment. The bourdon tube pressure gauge ensures compliance by providing an easy and accurate method to monitor the pressure levels of extinguishers, helping organizations meet regulatory requirements.

Visual Indication and Ease of Use:

The bourdon tube pressure gauge features a clear and easily readable scale, allowing users to quickly assess the pressure level of a fire extinguisher. The gauge provides instant visual indication, eliminating the need to rely on complex calculations or additional measurement tools. This simplicity ensures that anyone, even non-experts, can monitor the pressure and identify if the fire extinguisher requires attention.

Maintenance and Calibration:

Regular maintenance of fire extinguishers is essential to ensure their optimal performance in an emergency. Part of this maintenance includes checking and calibrating the bourdon tube pressure gauge. Calibration ensures that the gauge displays accurate pressure values, providing users with dependable information. Proper maintenance of the gauge guarantees that its readings align with the actual pressure inside the fire extinguisher, preventing false alarms or failures when they are needed most.


The application of a bourdon tube pressure gauge in fire extinguishers is an integral part of fire safety. It allows for accurate and reliable pressure monitoring, ensuring the extinguisher's readiness to combat fire emergencies. By providing clear visual indication and ease of use, the gauge enables users to easily identify any pressure abnormalities and take necessary actions promptly. Regular maintenance and calibration of the pressure gauge guarantee its accuracy, aligning it with fire safety regulations and standards. By valuing the importance of the bourdon tube pressure gauge, we can enhance our fire safety measures and protect lives and property effectively.
