Comprehensively wear the natural phoenix destiny

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The night was dark, and the shadows in the pavilion made the wolf's corpse in front of the courtyard seem strange and mysterious,stainless steel edge trim, so it seemed more gloomy, more tragic, and more horrible.

Because the power was absorbed so quickly that she could not even maintain her human form, she involuntarily changed back to her body form. In the eyes of Hades, he saw Li Cangyao, who had just entered the space of his life, turn into a light, and then he was pushed far away by a force, and a huge treasure tree body appeared in front of him. Hades has always been calm heart beating violently, because worried about Li Cangyao's condition, he actually wanted to ignore the power of the treasure tree, even if the fight was cut by the power to approach the treasure tree. Fortunately, when Hades was cut by the power of Baoshu riot, a flash of light, Baoshu body disappeared, Li Cangyao fell unconscious not far away. Hades ignored the wound on his body and immediately ran over and hugged Li Cangyao: "Yao!"! Yaoer! "Well.." Li Cangyao gradually woke up and saw Hades with blood on her face at first sight. She sat up with her eyes wide open and wanted to heal Hades. Hades stopped her. What he wanted to know most now was her physical condition. Why did that happen just now? Yaoer, just now your power rioted. What happened? Hades was so anxious that he held Li Cangyao in his arms and checked her physical condition directly, but still did not find any abnormalities, which made him even more irritable,stainless steel tile edge trim, and his whole body was full of dead breath, as if it would erupt at any time. At this time, Hades has not been calm and indifferent, helpless like a child, Li Cangyao also reacted at this time, she laughed and distressed to stare at Hades,stainless steel edging strip, laughing that he is not a keeper now, distressed that he was injured for himself. Hades, I'm really fine. It was more of a surprise than nothing. She stepped back and healed Hades until he was healed. Then she took his hand and attached it to her abdomen. "Feel that?"? There's a little fellow creeping up here. "Just now, because the baby was too anxious to absorb energy, I didn't react at once, so I couldn't maintain my human form. Now it's all right." Hades did not seem to understand Li Cangyao's words. There was a trace of doubt in his eyes. Li Cangyao smiled and whispered a few words in his ear. Hades stared at her with a look of shock on his face, and then a very obvious smile appeared on Hades's face, which had been expressionless all the year round, even though his smile was very shallow. He carefully held Li Cangyao in his arms, his heart seemed to be full, the whole person was light, rising, stainless steel tile edging ,stainless tile trim, indescribably comfortable. So that's it.. So that's it. If so, it all makes sense. Neither Li Cangyao nor Hades had ever thought about this before. Although it was very easy for the mythological gods to have children, it was very difficult for Li Cangyao to have children. The higher the cultivation, the more difficult it was to have children. This is why Li Cang Yao had never thought about this. Thinking of this, Li Cangyao could not help feeling helpless for her carelessness. Obviously he is a doctor, but he did not notice the abnormality of his body, and if he said it, no one would believe it. Hades, are you happy? Li Cangyao asked. Mmm. Replied Hades. They looked at each other with their foreheads against each other, smiling quietly and sweetly. But the little guy has a big appetite. Just now I was directly absorbed one tenth of the strength. I think the little guy will have a bigger appetite when he grows up slowly in the future. Li Cangyao touched the stomach, now the child is only a small point, to be born is estimated to have to wait for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, but the child has a good appetite, must have excellent aptitude. And his father is the king of the underworld, so he should be born as a God. Hades also touched Li Cangyao's stomach carefully. His eyes were gentle. He picked up Li Cangyao and sat by the huge Hongmeng stone. He said softly, "No harm, and me." Since the child is greedy, he can also input energy to him, with the strength of the two of them, they will not let their children starve. For this sudden arrival of the child, whether Li Cangyao or Hades are very much looking forward to, even know that he will not be born for a long time, but can not stop the joy and excitement of the new parents. They are not first-time parents, but they used to be children born through possession of other humans, but today's children are different, real children belonging to them. It seems that my strength will decline for a long time in the future. Maybe it will go down to the lowest level. Li Cangyao thought with a smile. But it doesn't matter. With her and Hades, the baby won't be hungry. Thinking so, Li Cangyao fell asleep in the arms of Hades. When he woke up again, Li Cangyao found that he had crossed again, but because of the relationship with the child, Li Cangyao did not dare to use the power of the soul to transform the body he possessed. Li Cangyao got up and looked around, and found that the place where she was now was an antique house. She guessed that she should be in ancient times. It was dark inside, and it should be night outside, which was just convenient for her to receive the memory of the original owner. Li Cangyao's divine consciousness swept away, found no abnormalities, and went directly into space. As soon as she entered the space and saw Hades waiting for her, Li Cangyao ran over happily: "Hades." Because the baby has been absorbing her strength, Li Cangyao is now afraid to use her strength, and Hades is also worried about her and the baby,metal trim manufacturers, so he decided to stay by her side. This time it was because Li Cangyao had just crossed, and he was not at ease to come and see it. Yaoer, is it dangerous to cross this time? Asked Hades.
