Marriage in the underworld is unpredictable

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The night was dark, and the shadows in the pavilion made the wolf's corpse in front of the courtyard seem strange and mysterious,stainless steel edge trim, so it seemed more gloomy, more tragic, and more horrible.

It doesn't matter if your feelings come up at ordinary times. But now he wants me to seriously call him a husband, I am really a little embarrassed, but he just in the tone is a command, not to discuss ah. I had no choice but to hang my head, reach out and embrace his waist, bury my head in his arms, and whisper in a low voice, "Husband." "What did you say?" Yichen looked down at me. "What did you just say?"? I didn't hear it, baby. Did you hear it? "No!" The baby also shook his head with a serious face, and I blushed instantly. I looked up at Yichen and pouted my lips. "How can you do this? What a shy thing! You even asked the baby!" "What shameful thing?" With an evil smile on his lips, Yichen looked like he was going to continue molesting me. I do not know I was angry and amused. I don't know what to do with myself. Yichen suddenly bent over and whispered in my ear, "Shall I tell you what is shameful?" As he spoke, Yichen had already put his hand into my clothes. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, feeling that I could only surrender. I lowered my head and put my forehead on his shoulder. With a slight movement of his fingertips, the button of his underwear opened. He reached out to hold the softness of my chest, and when he saw that I was hiding my face with my head down, he simply lowered his head and kissed my neck. The sudden touch made me tremble gently as if I had been electrocuted. I lowered my head shyly. His hands tightly grasped the clothes on his chest, not daring to move. Yichen suddenly put me on the bed. He pressed me under his body and blocked my lips. Overbearing kissing and sucking. I sank into his favor and couldn't help responding to him. I gradually felt his hardness and dared not look at him with my eyes closed. With a wave of his hand,aluminium edge trim, the account beside the bed was naturally put down, and the baby fell asleep in his abdomen. He took off my clothes and stabbed me when I was unprepared. I reached around his neck and catered to him. After a rain, the whole person collapsed, I leaned in his arms and closed my eyes. Although he did not fall asleep, he was reluctant to speak for a long time. You are my lucky star, Ling. Having you is really the blessing of my life. Said Yichen's chin against the top of my head. How to say? I opened my eyes lazily and looked out of the window. I saw the clever crow passing by. The long-haired beast dared to peep. Do you know why you suddenly got those ghosts under control today, and even let them have a clear consciousness for a while? Yichen looked down at me and asked. I shook my head. "I don't know. I was wondering!" "It's because of you,tile profile factory, fool!" Yi Chen murmured. What's it to me? Curiously, I turned over and put my elbows on the bed board and looked at Yichen with my eyes wide open. Although I can't say why, at that moment, the energy that burst out from you supported the expansion of my magic power and saved the whole city of Lingdu in an instant. The clear sound of the dust is like the moment when the drops of water on the lotus fall, which is particularly pleasant to listen to. I feel strange, too. When I urge the magic power, it is always purple light, but today the light emitted from my body has turned into color, why on earth? I couldn't think of a reason, so I began to guess, "Is there a superior person to point out?" "How can there be any superior?" Yichen laughed hoarsely. You are the master! I looked at Yichen's face, and finally I couldn't help burying my face in his arms, "You are everything to me, tile trim manufacturers ,stainless steel tile trim, my heaven, my earth, and the first warmth and touching in my heart." "That's right. Everything you want is what I want to give you and give you most." Yichen hugged me tightly. He put his finger in front of my stomach, and the baby was no longer sleeping, but he was not fully awake. He flattened his mouth and continued to close his eyes. Uh I'll answer him. Ling, you said before that someone told you a way to crack witchcraft. What happened? So far, I have never heard that witchcraft can be cracked. I thought I could only live like this every day in the future. Yichen sat up from the bed, and he leaned against the bedstead and hugged me. "Yichen, I also heard Liu Xinqiang say, although this is a clue, but also a hope, but I still hope you can be prepared, first of all, I am not sure this is true, and secondly, even if it is true, this thing is also very difficult to get." I sat up straight and looked at Yichen and said. Don't worry, I'm naturally prepared. Yichen smiled at me. Moon brother and sister should still be waiting for you in the hall, why don't we go and discuss this with them first? By the way, call Liu Xinqiang together! I looked at Yichen and asked for his permission. He nodded to me and got out of bed to get ready. I seem to have fallen in love with the Han Dynasty, from the inside of the cabinet picked a white with blue edge of the curved wear, I am lazy with hair, only in the middle of the hair, with a rope roughly tied, with the dust, went out together. Sure enough, when they arrived at the hall, Yue and Yue Ni had already sat down in the hall. As soon as they saw us coming, they immediately stood up from their chairs. Change your clothes, change your clothes. The crow said cleverly, flying around in the hall. My face turned red at once, and I was afraid that anyone who heard this sentence would know what I had just done. Shut up Yichen gave a rebuke. "" Clever answered, then no longer speak, obediently stay on the desk where Yichen usually works, walking around, while still secretly looking at me. Ahothucai. Crow, why haven't you left yet? I stared at it. Originally thought that I was not so long, it should go, but did not think that he did not go, even if the dust is still so good to it. Chapter 153 avoiding the moon (the fifth watch). "You were so sick before that I thought you were dead." The crow gave me a white look, I do not know when to start,aluminum tile trim, it has become as venomous as me. When Yichen heard this, he was very angry. He glanced at the crow and stretched out his hand. The crow fell into his hand, and Yichen frowned majestically at him. "Do you want to die?" 。
