End of the world mercenary system

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You can open as many as you want. Lian Xiaojun said, "It's not just a grain store. I also want to be qualified to sell large amounts of rice out of the country." Selling out of the country is not the same as opening a grain shop in Jiannan Dao.

Bai Su grabbed the short blade and hugged the woman out. In a look of panic on the woman's face, she was forced into a corner, one hand pressed against the woman's neck and shoulder on the wall behind her, the other hand pinched the buzzing short blade.. I can't see This short blade is still a superior magic weapon. Who are you and what do you want? The woman in this moment, unexpectedly calmed down, in the eyes no longer just panic. Oh, she calmed down so quickly. "Bai Su was surprised to see the woman calm down so quickly.". Moreover, from this woman's eyes, Bai Su actually saw the indifference that professional killers often have in their eyes.. Is this still an assassin? ... Seeing the woman with a calm expression on her face, Bai Su suddenly felt a little bored. She threw the short blade back to the woman directly, and then returned to Tang Yun's side and asked, "Why did you kill these devils?" Taking the short blade in her hand, the woman was stunned when she heard Bai Su's question. Then she sneered, "Why did I kill these devils? Don't you know?" "What do I know?" Bai Suwen was depressed. As soon as the woman came up, she indiscriminately took a knife to herself. She let her go, not only ungrateful, but also cold. I know and I will come down to find you. "Hum," the woman snorted coldly, reached around to the back of her head and tore it gently. Suddenly,outdoor whirlpool, a thin mask of human skin was torn off by her. Unexpectedly, there was a layer of human skin mask. I had just been so close, but I hadn't found it yet. "Bai Su saw the woman's movements, and immediately gave birth to an incredible feeling.". Although I didn't think about it just now, I didn't see through the mask with my eyesight now.. Craftsmanship But, well, not to mention,endless swimming pool, after this layer of human skin mask was torn off, there was still a fascinating face hidden under the ordinary face. The skin is delicate like white porcelain and warm jade, and the facial features are even more delicate like orchids. Although it is still a cold and indifferent look, it still gives people a charming and strange feeling. Now do you know why I want to kill these demons? The woman asked gently, then snorted coldly: "Now that you have caught it, it's up to you to kill or scrape it." Bai Su turned his head and Tang Yun looked at each other and saw a meaning from each other's eyes, "Does this cheongsam woman have persecution paranoia?" Regardless of the doubts of Bai Su and Tang Yun, the woman in the red flag robe was still holding a pretty face as big as a palm. She went on to say coldly, "I can only blame my companion for her bad luck. She fell into the hands of you, Charles. But even if I die, I can't go back with you." Bai Su and Tang Yun a pair of eyes, finally saw the unusual thing, this called the companion woman does not seem to be with the devil all the way. Bai Su scratched his head and asked, whirlpool hot tub ,whirlpool hot tub, "Why do you think I'm a demon?" Demon will is a name of senior Demons, but not all senior Demons are Demon will. The title of the Demon General is also the powerful one among the senior Demons, who is recognized by the Demon Commander and is named Demon General. The companion Wen Yan is stupefied, "you come here at this time, still can defeat me easily, what else can you be if you are not a demon?" "I don't know what enmity you have with the devil, but I'm not from the Nine Demons." Bai Su's eyes flashed a faint golden light, and then fell down. When the golden light flashed, Bai Su had already seen through the body of the companion. He is not a mortal, nor a member of the devil family, but he is not a member of the two realms of the right path. I don't know why you want to kill these demons, but your efficiency is too low. I am very interested in you, you follow behind me, after I have obliterated all these demons, you will tell me what you know. Bai Su finished, the companion moved to his back, and Tang Yun stood together. This distance can not only ensure that the companion will not be injured by mistake when the devil is obliterated later, but also prevent the companion from hurting people violently. "Time waits for no one," Bai Su took a look at the sun that had gradually set in the west and sighed that three days had passed since the mission. Between the eyebrows emerged three lotus petals in the shape of a pin, and with a flash of pale golden light on the leftmost petal, the field of golden lotus and blue waves suddenly appeared in the sky, pressing down and enveloping the whole small settlement. Once the realm wraps the settlement in, it becomes a cage temporarily separated from the main plane, and with the ability of these devils, there is no possibility of escape. It was also in this moment of being enveloped by the realm that all the devils became aware of it, and the houses and streets faded away.. Tens of thousands of people were gathered on a golden wave. 。 Although there are only about ten thousand demons, these demons are more difficult to deal with than hundreds of thousands of demons. But for Bai Su, difficult to deal with is also limited, three people stood on a lotus platform more than ten meters high, Bai Su casually waved, the golden ocean suddenly surging waves, after a big wave more than ten meters high, tens of thousands of people suddenly disappeared. Although it is only an illusory golden ocean from spiritual power, the natural spiritual power can not be faked. After the huge spiritual power is washed away, tens of thousands of devils are immediately submerged in it. In the extremely shocked expression of the companion, Bai Su waved his hand to remove the field. In the whole settlement, there was only one dead body left. Unlike those who are possessed by demons in the Red House settlement, these people can't be regarded as living people after being sucked by the devil. Solve these people, Bai Su is also completed the task of killing ten thousand devils. As for whether there is a devil in Linxing, it is left to the holy mercenary to deal with, as long as the first task is completed during the ten-day task period. In fact, the task of the plane mercenary guild is quite deceptive. The first task is to kill the number of enemies, and the second task is to help Linxing rebuild its civilization. But if you want to establish civilization,endless swimming pool, you must first kill and expel the demons of the stars. Generally speaking, the second task already includes the first task, but the first task makes the time more compact. monalisa.com
