Choosing Between Lillia and Volibear: Ideal Jungle Champions for Climbing Ranked Games in League of Legends

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League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena game where players compete in teams to destroy the opposing team's Nexus, employing strategic gameplay and champion abilities to secure victory.

League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot Games. The game features two teams of five players who compete to destroy the opposing team’s Nexus, which is located in their base. Each player controls a unique champion with distinct abilities and playstyles. The game’s lore is rich, with an ever-expanding universe that includes champions, regions, and storylines.

Champion Roles and Performance in Patch 14.13: Lillia and Volibear
Lillia and Volibear are two champions with distinct roles and playstyles. Lillia is typically played as a jungler or top layer, known for her mobility and sustained damage, while Volibear is often played as a top laner or jungler, excelling in tackiness and crowd control. When you embark on your journey, mmowow items can lend a helping hand when you need help.

Skills and Playstyle:

Passive - Dream-Laden Bough: Lillia’s abilities apply Dream Dust, dealing a percentage of the target’s max health as magic damage over time.
Q - Blooming Blows: Lillia swings her censer, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and increasing her movement speed.
W - Watch Out! Eep!: Lillia deals damage in a small area, with additional damage in the center.
E - Swirlseed: Lillia throws a seed that deals damage and slows enemies. If it misses, it continues rolling.
R - Lilting Lullaby: Lillia casts a spell that puts all enemies with Dream Dust to sleep after a brief delay.
Skill Order:

Q - Blooming Blows
W - Watch Out! Eep!
E - Swirlseed
R - Lilting Lullaby

Rune Suggestions:

Keystone: Conqueror for sustained damage or Phase Rush for mobility.
Secondary: Precision for Triumph and Tenacity or Sorcery for additional movement speed and cooldown reduction.
Item Build:

Core Items: Liandry’s Anguish, Demonic Embrace, and Zhonya’s Hourglass.
Situational Items: Morellonomicon for healing reduction, Banshee’s Veil for magic resistance.
Early Game:

Focus on clearing camps efficiently using Q for damage and movement speed.
Look for gank opportunities with E to slow and Q to chase.
Mid Game:

Utilize R in team fights to initiate or disrupt the enemy team.
Prioritize securing objectives and controlling vision in the jungle.
Late Game:

Position yourself to land E and R on key targets.
Use Q and W to deal consistent damage while remaining mobile.

Skills and Playstyle:

Passive - The Relentless Storm: Volibear’s attacks and abilities grant him attack speed and deal bonus magic damage.
Q - Thundering Smash: Volibear gains movement speed and stuns the first enemy he hits.
W - Frenzied Maul: Volibear deals damage and heals himself. If the target is marked, the damage and healing are increased.
E - Sky Splitter: Volibear summons a lightning bolt, dealing damage and slowing enemies. He also gains a shield if he’s in the area.
R - Stormbringer: Volibear leaps to a target location, disabling enemy turrets and dealing damage to enemies in the area.
Skill Order:

W - Frenzied Maul
Q - Thundering Smash
E - Sky Splitter
R - Stormbringer
Rune Suggestions:

Keystone: Press the Attack for damage or Aftershock for tackiness.
Secondary: Resolve for additional tankiness or Precision for attack speed and sustain.
Item Build:

Core Items: Turbo Chemtank, Dead Man’s Plate, and Spirit Visage.
Situational Items: Thornmail for anti-healing, Randuin’s Omen for crit reduction.
Early Game:

Use Q to engage and W to sustain in trades.
Look for early skirmishes and gank opportunities to utilize your crowd control.
Mid Game:

Use R to dive enemy backlines or disable turrets for aggressive plays.
Focus on engaging and peeling for your team during skirmishes and team fights.
Late Game:

Act as a frontline tank, soaking damage and disrupting the enemy team.
Use your abilities to protect your carries and control the battlefield.

Team Composition and Synergy

Engage Composition: Works well with champions who can follow up on her R, like Yasuo or Orianna.
Scaling Composition: Fits into comps that scale well into the late game, providing sustained damage and crowd control.
Poke Composition: Synergizes with poke champions who can chip away at enemies while she applies pressure with Q and E.

Engage Composition: Excels in comps that want to dive the enemy team with hard engagement from his R and Q.
Peel Composition: Works well in protecting backline carries, using his abilities to disrupt and peel.
Tank Composition: Complements other tanks and bruisers, providing frontline presence and crowd control.

Why Volibear is Recommended for Long-Term Play
Volibear’s versatility, tackiness, and crowd control make him a reliable pick for climbing the ranks in League of Legends. His ability to engage, peel, and sustain through fights provides consistent value in various team compositions and game scenarios. While Lillia offers unique strengths with her mobility and sustained damage, Volibear’s straightforward playstyle and robust kit make him more accessible and impactful for players looking to consistently perform in ranked games. However, when some players explore further and become familiar with a certain hero, some players will choose to buy cheap League of Legends items.

Laning Against Poppy: Strategies for Lillia and Volibear
When facing Poppy in the top lane, both Lillia and Volibear have unique strategies and playstyles that can help you dominate the lane and transition into the mid and late game effectively.

Lillia vs. Poppy
Early Game:

Laning Phase: In the early game, Lillia should focus on poking Poppy with her Q (Blooming Blows) while staying mobile to avoid Poppy's Q (Hammer Shock) and E (Heroic Charge). Use Lillia's superior range and movement speed to kite Poppy and chip away at her health.
Skill Order: Max Q first for poke and mobility, followed by W (Watch Out! Eep!) for burst damage.
Rune Suggestions: Opt for Phase Rush to enhance kiting potential or Conqueror for sustained fights. Secondary runes should focus on mobility and sustain, like Nimbus Cloak and Gathering Storm.
Mid Game:

Laning and Roaming: Continue to harass Poppy while building towards your core items like Liandry's Anguish and Demonic Embrace. Utilize your E (Swirlseed) to slow and poke Poppy from a distance, and look for opportunities to roam and assist your team with your R (Lilting Lullaby).
Teamfights: In team fights, position yourself to land a well-timed R, putting key targets to sleep and setting up your team for an advantageous fight. Use your Q and W to deal damage while remaining elusive.
Late Game:

Teamfights and Objectives: Focus on using your R to initiate or counter-initiate team fights. Your role is to disrupt the enemy backline and provide consistent damage over time. Stay on the outskirts of the fight, using your speed and positioning to avoid being caught out.
Volibear vs. Poppy
Early Game:

Laning Phase: Volibear excels in early skirmishes with his Q (Thundering Smash) for gap closing and stuns, and W (Frenzied Maul) for sustain and damage. Look to trade aggressively with Poppy, using your E (Sky Splitter) to shield yourself and deal damage. Be mindful of Poppy's W (Steadfast Presence), which can interrupt your Q.
Skill Order: Max W first for the sustain and damage, followed by Q for the engaging potential.
Rune Suggestions: Use Press the Attack for enhanced damage in trades or Aftershock for added tackiness. Secondary runes should focus on sustainability and durability, such as Triumph and Bone Plating.
Mid Game:

Laning and Skirmishes: Continue to pressure Poppy with aggressive trades. Build core items like Turbo Chemtank and Dead Man’s Plate to enhance your engagement and mobility. Use your R (Stormbringer) to dive Poppy under the turret or roam to assist your team in securing objectives.
Teamfights: In team fights, use your R to disable turrets and disrupt the enemy formation. Engage with Q and follow up with E and W to maximize your crowd control and damage output.
Late Game:

Teamfights and Objectives: Act as a frontline tank, soaking damage and providing crowd control. Your role is to initiate fights, peel for your carries, and disrupt the enemy team. Use your Q and R to engage and create chaos, allowing your team to follow up.
Teamfight Strategies and Specific Techniques

Against Poppy: In team fights, avoid being in the center where Poppy can knock you into a wall with her E. Position yourself to use your R from a safe distance, putting key targets to sleep.
Engage: Use your E to slow enemies and follow up with R to set up your team for a strong engagement.
Disengage: If your team needs to retreat, use your Q to speed up and reposition, making it harder for Poppy to catch you.

Against Poppy: In team fights, watch out for Poppy's R (Keeper's Verdict), which can disrupt your engagement. Use your E and Q to stay on top of priority targets.
Engage: Lead the charge with Q, followed by R to disable turrets and dive the enemy backline. Use E to shield yourself and slow enemies, making it easier for your team to follow up.
Peel: If needed, use your crowd control abilities to protect your carries from diving threats.
Analyzing Volibear's Attributes and Playstyle
Volibear’s straightforward and tanky playstyle makes him a reliable pick for players looking to have a consistent impact in games. His ability to engage, sustain through fights, and provide crowd control makes him valuable in various team compositions. The ease of execution with his abilities and the ability to adapt his build to different situations makes him a versatile and effective champion.

Practical Tips for Playing Volibear
Early Trades: Use Q to engage and W for sustain in trades. Keep an eye on Poppy's cooldowns, especially her W.
Objective Control: Utilize your R to secure objectives by disabling turrets and diving enemy champions.
Positioning: In team fights, position yourself to maximize your crowd control and tackiness. Be the frontline your team needs to initiate and absorb damage.

Understanding the strengths and playstyles of both Lillia and Volibear when facing Poppy can help you dominate the lane and transition effectively into the mid and late game. Volibear’s tackiness, crowd control, and straightforward playstyle make him a more consistent and reliable choice for climbing the ranks. I hope these insights help you improve your gameplay and enjoy your time in League of Legends.
